Clarity of mind and writing - the one thing I wish I had known as an aspiring writer
When putting words to the page, understanding clarity of mind is truly helpful to a fiction writer. Here’s why:
In a clear mind, you can listen to the story as it comes through. You are receptive and open, letting the story breathe and flow.
In a busy or preoccupied mind, you are trying to think the story into existence. You’re trying to second guess what the characters should be doing or saying. You’re thinking about the ‘bigger’ story you’re trying to tell, or what someone might think when they read it. You’re thinking about writing, rather than being in the moment writing.
Story funnels
In a previous post, I wrote about the shift I experienced from understanding creativity as something human beings do to something we are. Once I’d started writing fiction, I began to discover whole other layers around what stories are and how they come into being. A few weeks back, I was talking about fiction writing with a friend—hey, Trevor!—and it gave me reason to articulate something I had, until that point, only experienced. Here’s my second attempt at wrapping words around it.
Creativity and the thinking that gets in the way.
As you’ll see from the about section of this website, writing fiction was something I wanted to do for years before I actually began having a go. Here and there I made a few notes or tried to plot out a story or come up with characters, but I never got as far as actually writing. My memory may be hazy, but it feels as if the change from not writing to writing happened overnight. This change largely, if not completely, came about from a shift in perspective and it’s only in hindsight that I can see how important that shift was.